Category Archives: –MONTGOMERY COUNTY GA–

Shotgun House, Uvalda

My preliminary inclination is to identify this as a shotgun house even though the facade has more of a storefront appearance. The photograph dates to 2013.

Single-Pen Tenant Farmhouse, Montgomery County

This structure is an interesting example of the complications I occasionally encounter with identifications. The sides of the building, unlike the plank front, are board-and-batten, and there’s no sign of a chimney, but I think the sides were updated.

The lack of a chimney initially led me to think this was a barn, but the door placement and original shake roof indicate this was a tenant house, or perhaps a kitchen. It has obviously been purposefully preserved as an important landmark of the historic farm on which it’s located.

Hay & Stock Barn, Montgomery County

Located on an historic farm with several surviving tenant houses, this is an unusual barn. I’m not sure why it has the gate at the front.

Sarah Wilson Tyre Chapel, Mount Vernon

This quaint little chapel is located on the campus of Brewton-Parker College.

Gabled-Ell Farmhouse, Montgomery County

The gabled-ell is among the most common farmhouse types in Georgia; this is a very utilitarian example. Aesthetically, the old car is a great complement to the house.

Miss Ila Mae’s Store, Charlotte

When I photographed this store in 2014, it was the only remaining commercial structure in the ghost town of Charlotte, which appears, incorrectly, on maps as Charlotteville. I’m not sure if it is still standing. A post office was established in the community in 1910 and closed in 1933. Sherra Parisella, and Clint Haynes, who grew up in the area, note that this landmark, oficially Charlotte Grocery, was better known as Miss Ila Mae’s Store.

Central Hallway Farmhouse, Montgomery County

This is another image from my archives, circa 2013. I believe it was a central hallway house which lost its front porch at some time.

Double-Pen Cottage, Tarrytown

This small house is a nice example of the utilitarian double-pen form. Pen is another word for room. The added space at the back is a common amendment to the form.

Queen Anne Cottage, Mount Vernon

I photographed this house in 2013. I believe it was on South Railroad Street but have since lost my notes from the trip and am not positive as to location. It’s definitely in Montgomery County.

Gabled-Ell Farmhouse, Montgomery County

If you’ve followed this website over the years, you’re likely familiar with the “gabled-ell” form, so named for its overall “L” shape, and an expansion of the central hallway house type. They are among the most common types of old farmhouses remaining in rural Georgia, though they are often found abandoned. They remain because they were built so well and are a testament to the skills of their builders.

These photos was made in 2013 somewhere near the crossroads settlement of McGregor. I’m unsure if the house is still standing.